Monday, December 21, 2009

The Great Omission

In 2009 I started volunteering for an organisation in Oxford who reach 1.1 million children at risk across the globe.


Well, I'm not given to much outward emotion (though I can be enthusiastic and a little intense!). However when I see the lives of children changed I am deeply moved. Moved to tears.

I don't know why this should be so - perhaps I'm just hard-wired this way. I'm only starting to allow myself to consider that I could be, in some small way, feeling the heart of the God of love who turned my own life around.

The challenge for children in this age is overwhelming. If the church could grasp its reach and potential impact for the good of all peoples on this planet including - if not especially - children whose souls are crying out for love.

I seem to remember seeing a quotation of Mother Teresa who thought that true poverty was the lack of love.

This is a great video that addresses the challenge and the yearning I feel personally - will the church sense and move on the heart of God?

CLICK HERE if the embedded video cannot be seen.

Sunday, September 6, 2009